Beneficios de comprar local - TEIA

Benefits of buying local

Are you thinking of giving handmade or locally produced items?

When we do so, we are giving something special, we are also betting on a sustainable and quality industry. An item designed and manufactured locally, has not traveled thousands of kilometers to reach your hands, making it more sustainable than most products. industrial items.


In addition, giving gifts from local brands is beneficial for everyone since we support projects that generate jobs within our town, obtaining warm and personalized attention, not to mention that it is very easy to maintain contact through social networks or in their physical stores around you and They offer a greater degree of exclusivity.

Local businesses have chosen to offer their customers the possibility of making purchases online, especially through social networks, and by telephone, in order to avoid crowds in stores. Likewise, it has been decided to offer, in many cases, the home delivery service. There are even some establishments where citizens can also reserve the time they are going to go shopping, to do so "with complete peace of mind."

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